Watch – 21 Lessons for the 21st Century | Yuval Noah Harari | Talks at Google

Watch – 21 Lessons for the 21st Century | Yuval Noah Harari | Talks at Google


From the beginning.


From the quote below.

YUVAL NOAH HARARI: “As I said in the very beginning, I don’t think we can predict the future, but I think we can influence it. What I try to do as a historian– and even when I talk about the future, I define myself as a historian, because I think that history is not the study of the past. History is the study of change, how human societies and political systems and economies change.  And what I try to do is to map different possibilities rather than make predictions.

 This is what will happen in 2050. And we need to keep a very broad perspective.  One of the biggest dangers is when we have a very narrow perspective, like we develop a new technology and we think, oh, this technology will have this outcome.  And we are convinced of this prediction, and we don’t take into account that the same technology might have very different outcomes. And then we don’t prepare.

And again, as I said in the beginning,  it’s especially important to take into account the worst possible outcomes in order to be aware of them. So I would say whenever you are thinking about the future, the future impact of a technology and developing, create a map of different possibilities.  If you see just one possibility, you’re not looking wide enough.  If you see two or three, it’s probably also not wide enough. You need a map of, like, four or five different possibilities, minimum.” 


 Hey, Mr. Harari.

So my question is– I’ll start very broad, and then I’ll narrow it down for the focus. I’m really interested in, what do you think are the components that make these fictional stories so powerful in how they guide human nature?

And then if I narrow it down is, I’m specifically interested in the self-destruction behavior of humans. How can these fictional stories led by a few people convince the mass to literally kill or die for that fictional story?


 It again goes back to hacking the brain and hacking the human animal. It’s been done throughout history, previously just by trial and error, without the deep knowledge of brain science and evolution we have today.

But to give an example, like if you want to convince people to persecute and exterminate some other group of people, what you need to do is really latch onto the disgust mechanisms in the human brain. Evolution has shaped homo sapiens with very powerful disgust mechanisms in the brain to protect us against diseases, against all kinds of sources of potential disease. And if you look at the history of bias and prejudice and genocide, one recurring theme

is that it repeatedly kind of latches onto these disgust mechanisms.  And so you would find things like women are impure, or these other people, they smell bad and they bring diseases. And very, very often disgust is at the center.

So you’ll often find comparison between certain types of humans and rats or cockroaches, or all kinds of other disgusting things.

 So if you want to instigate genocide, you start by hacking the disgust mechanisms in the human brain.  And this is very, very deep. And if it’s done from an early age, it’s extremely difficult afterwards.  People can– they know intellectually that it’s wrong to say that these people are disgusting, that these people, they smell bad. But they know it intellectually. But when you place them, like, in a brain scanner, they can’t help it. If they were raised– I mean, so we can still do something about it. We can still kind of defeat this.  But it’s very difficult, because it really goes to the core of the brain.


 So I’ll end on a final question, because we’re at time. When Larry and Sergey, when they founded Google, they did so with this deep belief in technology’s ability to improve people’s lives everywhere. So if you had a magic wand and you could give Google the next big project for us to work on, in 30 seconds or less, what would you grant us as our assignment?




An AI system that gets to know me in order to protect me and not in order to sell me products or make me click on advertisements and so forth.




All right.  Mission accepted.




Thank you, guys.


 From the beginning.

The book – 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Interesting quote from “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”

Hi – I’m reading “21 Lessons for the 21st Century” by Yuval Noah Harari and wanted to share this quote with you.

“But by 2050, thanks to biometric sensors and Big Data algorithms, diseases may be diagnosed and treated long before they lead to pain or disability. As a result, you will always find yourself suffering from some “medical condition” and following this or that algorithmic recommendation. If you refuse, perhaps your medical insurance will become invalid, or your boss will fire you—why should they pay the price of your obstinacy?”

Start reading this book for free:

New Religions of the 21st Century | Yuval Harari | Talks at Google

New Religions of the 21st Century | Yuval Harari | Talks at Google

Techno-Religions and Silicon Prophets: Will the 21st century be shaped by hi-tech gurus or by religious zealots – or are they the same thing?

What is the current status of religions and ideologies in the world, and what will be the likely impact of 21st-century technological breakthroughs on religion and ideology? Will traditional religions and ideologies—from Christianity and Islam to Liberalism and Socialism—manage to survive the technological and economic revolutions of the 21st century? What would be the place of Islam, for example, in a world of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence? The talk addresses these questions, and argues that the future belongs to techno-religions, which promise salvation through technology, and which are already gathering believers in places such as Silicon Valley.

About the Author

Prof. Yuval Noah Harari lectures at the Department of History, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He specializes in World History, medieval history and military history. His current research focuses on macro-historical questions: What is the relation between history and biology? Is there justice in history? Did people become happier as history unfolded?

His most recent book is Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. The book surveys the entire length of human history, from the evolution of Homo sapiens in the Stone Age up to the political and technological revolutions of the Silicon Age. It has become an international bestseller, and has been translated into close to 30 languages worldwide.

For more details see

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