NYTimes: How Are We Still Debating Interracial Marriage in 2022?

How Are We Still Debating Interracial Marriage in 2022? www.nytimes.com/2022/03/25/opinion/mike-braun-loving-virginia.html

As it stands, as Ron Brownstein wrote in The Atlantic last year, there is already a “great divergence” between “the liberties of Americans in blue states and those in red states.” And as Republican-led states ban abortion, ban books, restrict the teaching of America’s racial history in schools and trample on the rights of transgender people, this will only get worse.

Senator Braun’s mistake was not that he misunderstood the question; it’s that he understood it all too well. The world he and his colleagues are working toward is one in which the national government defers the question of civil and political rights to the states. And it is in the states, free from federal oversight, where people like Braun can exercise real control over what you might do, how you might live and who you might love. It’s freedom for some and obedience for the rest.”
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