NYTimes: Splitting 5 to 4, Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge to Cuomo’s Virus Shutdown Order

Splitting 5 to 4, Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge to Cuomo’s Virus Shutdown Order nyti.ms/39icuy8

For Christians the Apocalypse is a self fulfilling prophecy.   

It’s astonishing that we live in a country where our highest court sides with religious  cults that  believe their life after death fantasy is more important than the general public’s life.

By definition anyone who makes decisions based on ideology rather than empirical data is going to be wrong at least some of the time. That’s why the framers of our constitution believed in the separation of church and state.

Religious ideologists believe that only members of their religious cult will have a life after death. Consequently, they devalue every life on a planet including their own.

They are putting our country and the world in a death spiral.